Subject: Re: old 386sx & NetBSD 1.4.1
To: None <>
From: Bernd Salbrechter <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/21/1999 09:17:49
On Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:04:01 -0500 (CDT) Brian Stark <> wrote:
> All,
> I have an old 80386sx system (16Mhz, 4MB RAM, 420MB disk drive) with
> NetBSD 1.2 installed.
> Does anyone have a similar system with 1.4.1 installed on it? I thought
> I'd ask here first before I spend/waste any time trying to upgrade it.
> Brian
I have a similar system boot (80386??, ??Mhz, 4 or 8 MB RAM, no hard disk)
from the NetBSD 1.4 boot disk and got TCP working. I want do use it as print
server and IP-gateway, but have no idea, when I have the time to continue
the work. In the meantime I use it to test controller cards and my network.
Hope you don't want to compile a custom kernel on this system, because
it will take really long time to completed. From what I have read on this
list, the new compiler needs more space and start swapping with that few
RAM. My personal experience, while compiling one gigant table of integers,
is that it takes 4 hours for that file need 30 MB swap on a 8 MB system,
but it worked.
Have a nice Day
Bernd Salbrechter