Subject: Re: NeoMagic 256AV audio driver?
To: Jason Thorpe <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/19/1999 13:45:36
In message <>,
Jason Thorpe writes:
> c) Use it under WSS emulation, like I do on my Dell Inspiron
> laptop:
Thanks, Jason. Your'e amazing. Is there *anything* you don't fix?
(Any advice on a Rockwell HCF v.90 PCI modem? Com2 at irq9 maybe?)
> > So. Do we have AC97 support? Is it OK to rewrite something based on
> > the Linux code (which is given as public-domain, not copyleft).
> > Or pursue the ESS1688 emulation?
>Ezra Story just submitted a patch for AC97 for the Creative AudioPCI.
Is it at all like the OpenBSD code? I just ran into Costas in the
corridor; he said OpenBSD recently committed an AC97 driver and (since
we're in the same group) he'd rewrite the native NeoMagic 256AV to
work with OpenBSD's AC97 and bus-space, if I send him the Linux patch.