Subject: Re: Matrox G200 AGP no go?
To: None <,>
From: Sean Doran <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/16/1999 18:59:55
| Umm, do you think your XF86Config would work with the XFree version
| that comes with NetBSD 1.4.1?
xf86config should generate a config that is "good enough", every time.
My config won't help you unless you have the same monitor I do, which
you probably don't. -:)
| I got the Matrox working - kind of. I pulled it out the system and re-
| inserted it, wiggled it back and forth etc. and after a reboot, I got
| console there. Then I started fighting with XFree, but can't get a good
| display mode working (don't know if it's my Nokia or the Matrox). I also
| lost my console display - it seems the syncs have been turned off and the
| monitor goes into power saving mode.
$ script /tmp/a
Script started, output file is /tmp/a
$ startx
<kill off X server after it's running, or whatever>
$ ^D
Script done, output file is /tmp/x
What is in that file?
| I built XF86Setup, but I get no picture on screen (still in power save)
| when I run it...
XF86Setup is a disaster; use /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config.
Note that you can get no picture on screen if your monitor is fickle
and shuts itself off if it gets a signal it considers harmful. Many
modern monitors do this, which is a good thing, since one can in principle
fry one's monitor otherwise.
| Argh ;-)
Matrox boards are the best-supported in XFree86. Setup should really
be a no brainer with xf86config; all you have to know really is what
your monitor's vertical refresh rate and your horizontal sync rate, and
you get that from your monitor's FM.