Subject: RE: Matrox G200 AGP no go?
To: 'jiho' <>
From: Tony Hernandez <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/15/1999 15:21:59
This is true. That could be the problem. I've more often found bad video
cards. SInce I build PC's for the users in my company I have seen alott of
faulty video hardware. especially the ViperV550's. two times out of 10 it's
improperly seated. but you know what to do if it just doesnt work.. RMA the
Tony Hernandez
Intellon Corporation
# -----Original Message-----
# From: []On
# Behalf Of jiho
# Sent: Friday, October 15, 1999 3:18 PM
# To: Jukka Marin
# Cc: Port-i386
# Subject: Re: Matrox G200 AGP no go?
# > I bought a Matrox G200 AGP graphics card today and plugged
# it into my
# > Soyo SY-5EHx motherboard. All is well, but there is no video output
# > from the card ;-) Also, after reset, the system beeps a few times
# > (probably telling that it can't find a display card).
# Happens to me just about every time I'm inside my box. Make
# sure the card is
# seated properly in the AGP slot. You have to push it in just
# far enough, but
# not too far, and it's easily dislodged.
# It's a problem with _all_ AGP cards, because of the connector
# design. Intel
# was roundly criticized for it when it first appeared.
# Anyway, I _bet_ that's what it is, could be something else....
# --Jim Howard <>