Subject: Matrox G200 AGP no go?
To: Port-i386 <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/15/1999 20:51:04
Dear All,
I bought a Matrox G200 AGP graphics card today and plugged it into my
Soyo SY-5EHx motherboard. All is well, but there is no video output
from the card ;-) Also, after reset, the system beeps a few times
(probably telling that it can't find a display card).
Any ideas? Should NetBSD detect the AGP card and report it somehow?
I'm running with a PCI _and_ an AGP card at the moment (to install
NetBSD 1.4.1).
Thanks for any hints,