Subject: Re: install via network on Sony Vaio PCG-350?
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/14/1999 14:23:24
Jonathan Stone writes:
> Hey, firewire would be nice, if we had a driver for it. :-)
Getting the info out of Sony might be challenging. Hats off to anyone
that can do it though.
One problem appears to be that the sony ilink at least on the vaio I
have (505tx) only works for stills/snapshots. Later vaio's seem to
have lifted that restriction. I don't know if its a hardware or
software limitation.
> The other side of the lossage is there's no way for a user to tell an
> INSTALL (or GENERIC) kernel to avoid specific IRQs -- to change the
> mask before the pcic gets attached. Or dynamically probe IRQs. Or
> whatever. The Pengui*** gets it right.
I recall that some of the other BSD's also had a pre-boot way of
turning certain driver's on or off and one could also tweak the
various flags.
> Ok. that much I can do, if I can get a kernel that'll boot right in
> the first place. I'll try building a GENERIC kernel with a tweaked
> intr_mask and try to boot diskless. Thanks!
You're welcome!
Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
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