Subject: Re: mount_msdos
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/13/1999 11:08:19
Hi !
(You can use "msdos" instead of "mount_msdos", at least on install disk ;-)
The error come from the partition definition. You must be sure of start and
lenght of it.
Tips: use "fdisk" and note all infos you see (start & lenght in sectors).
Then use disklabel -i <yourdisk>
Create another partition (like "f"), type "MSDOS", offset = start (in sectors),
Write and quit.
Then "msdos /dev/wd0f /mnt" work like a charm.
Even in FAT32.
The common error is to make partition begin at sector 0, instead of 63 (for
Hope this can help.
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