Subject: RE: Display here.
To: Jonathan Eisch <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/12/1999 01:11:47
# xhost +
on your NetBSD machine
On 11-Oct-99 Jonathan Eisch wrote:
> Hi All,
> How do I get netbsd 1.4.1 to allow programs run on another computer on
> my lan to display on my desktop. For instance, I telnet onto my Solaris
> system, and type 'DISPLAY=206.197.X.X:0.0' 'export DISPLAY' where
> 206.197.X.X is the IP of my NetBSD system, and then run a program, like
> StarOffice, or anything. I get the following error:
> Xlib: connection to "206.197.X.X:0.0" refused by server
> Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
> What do you make of it? Can anyone help me?
> -Jonathan
Date: 12-Oct-99
Time: 01:11:29
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