Subject: Re: WWW kernel compile facility...
To: <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/04/1999 16:11:50
On Mon, 4 Oct 1999 wrote:
> In message <>, David
> Forbes writes:
> >Is there anyone on this list who is able (or knows someone who would be
> >able) to take this machine an give it an ethernet connection, at a
> >reasonable cost? At this stage I'm prepared to pay reasonable costs,
> >personally, and meet all usage/security restrictions. (The machine has no
> >software installed that it doesn't need.)
> I could do that, I think. Depends on amount of traffic, but it's reasonable.
well, it can't generate too much traffic because each request for a kernel
will take a bit to compile!
would you queue requests?