Subject: RE: ahc only connects at 10MHz
To: April G Gruhn <>
From: Hauke Fath <hf@Melog.DE>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/28/1999 18:08:50
At 11:15 28.09.99 -0400, April G Gruhn wrote:
>I will assume ahc = aha2940 board. When I read my documentation
>I seem to remember that if you have Fast SCSI or SCSI-1 devices
>then the transfers will be at the slower rate. Have you got any
>SCSI-1 or Fast SCSI devices attached to your SCSI bus?

There is a Pioneer CDROM drive and a Tandberg streamer on the narrow bus; 
removing the two makes no difference for the disks.

The disks are:

ID 9    IBM DDRS-34560W         <-- The only one probing with 20MHz
ID 10   IBM DNES.309170W
ID 11   Quantum VIKING II 9.1WSE

-- when the Viking was added, all the disks fell back to 10 MHz.


Hauke Fath                              Saphir Software GmbH
                                         D-69115 Heidelberg
hf@SaphirSC.DE                          Ruf +49-6221-13866-35, Fax -21