Subject: Re: -current works under vmware NT
To: None <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/24/1999 09:56:34
A couple of things I've noticed with vmware NT so far:
- something's not quite right... with 1.4.1, I get occasional, seemingly
random coredumps on binaries. Running them again, things are ok.
Not sure, but I think it happens more often if the "machine" has
been idle for a few minutes.
- I ripped *only* the wscons stuff out of a -current GENERIC kernel,
but it still hung on boot, right after probing 3 com ports.
I'll be investigating this a little further with removing things
from a GENERIC kernel to see exactly what hangs.
I'm hoping to be able to get this stable enough (it's pretty close now!)
to have NetBSD running at a remote site that's NT-only for political reasons
to help me with troubleshooting...
Jeff Rizzo