Subject: Cyclic HD geometry not found on boot from install floppy???
To: None <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/21/1999 11:42:53
I was trying to bring up a BSD on an AST Bravo MS/66D machine (an older
486 box with built-in ide, floppy, vga, etc. on one board. It boots and
installs FreeBSD fine. In trying to boot NetBSD or OpenBSD, it does a
check of the bios or the HD geometry and cycliclly sits there trying
to find the geometry, and then fails, but will abort into the install
menu. The drive is a Maxtor 544 mb IDE drive with 1053 cylinders,
15H, 63S, but the bios is holding them as 1023C/15H/63S. Is this
likely to be a motherboard/bios problem, or something else? It has
an autosensing bios that should self-detect any HD geometry, or it
can be hardset to actual geometries. Either way, it works fine on
FreeBSD, but dies on NetBSD or OpenBSD. My goal was to make the box
a NetBSD tftpbooter for installing pmaxes and the like.
Any insights are appreciated.