Subject: Re: booting 1.4.1
To: Dale Phillips <>
From: Chris Jones <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/14/1999 08:51:57
>>>>> "Dale" == Dale Phillips <> writes:
Dale> Do you have an active partition set?
Dale> man fdisk
Already done that.
Dale> fdisk -a (will set active partiton) (usally this says NO OS or
Dale> the like)
Okay, this is where it gets weird. I just booted the machine (from
floppy), and ran fdisk. It said that partition 3, where NetBSD is,
had a flag of 0x80, which I understand to be "active." But, just for
the heck of it, I ran "fdisk -a", and I set partition 3 to active.
The output of fdisk, before it wrote the new table, looked identical
to what it showed previous to the "fdisk -a". But, now it boots from
the hard drive.
What did I miss?
Chris Jones
Mad scientist at large
"Is this going to be a stand-up programming session, sir, or another bug hunt?"