Subject: Re: Heavy /dev/lpt use burdens system.
To: None <>
From: Bernd Sieker <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/13/1999 13:35:49
On 12.09.99, 18:28:05, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> Andrew Gillham <> writes:
> > -current, as of a month or so ago. The problems I was seeing are
> > that the printer is appearing to miss data or something.
> Weird. I get no such trouble at all. I'm using an old but pretty solid
> shielded printer cable, and magicfilter+ghostscript to do the
> driving. I've never experienced any trouble like you've been having.
I also never have any trouble or high system load or anything like
that when printing (using an Epson Stylus and a generic centronics
cable). But, using systat, I found that sometimes it generates some
20,000 interrupts per second, and never less than about 5,000, which
might well slow down a less powerful system (like, say, a small 486).
> Perry
Bernd Sieker
Unix, the solution to the W2k problem.