Subject: Re: XFree86 & GLX support?
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/13/1999 00:34:23
Richard Rauch writes:
> Perhaps I misunderstood Andrew. I thought that he was saying that the
> sources from the URL were only integrated with Mesa 2.5, and since we were
> one 3.0, it was better to get GLX from some other source (I took him to
> mean that GLX is integrated into our branch of XFree86 on -current, but am
> not entirely sure if that's what he meant).
The 'README' file still says Mesa-2.5, but it appears the code supports
Mesa 3.0. I just built the snapshot at
with the Mesa in pkgsrc, so it does work.
No, GLX isn't integrated, a package for it would be nice though, for
people that don't want to wade through all of the various X 3D pages
to find out what is needed.
> Maybe I'll give it a whirl next week. (^& (I wish that I had a second
> machine; then I could play with toys on it without worrying about
> jeapordizing my main ``workhorse''.)
Well, I managed to hose up my X server with the snapshot, so you will
definitely want some way to telnet in remotely when you are testing
X server related stuff.
Andrew Gillham | This space left blank | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer. | Contact the publisher.