Subject: Re: IRQ2/IRQ9 doesn't work
To: None <>
From: Robert Kennedy <robert@Theory.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/08/1999 10:30:42
> > I built my kernel according to the i386 port-specific FAQ, which
> > basically says to set the modem for IRQ2 and the kernel config for
> > IRQ9 and everything should just work [see
> >]. But it doesn't
> > work.
> Did you mark irq 9 a 'used by isa' in the BIOS ?

My machine is too old for that (it's a 486, incidentally). I have no
plug and pray, and there's no way to mark irq's as "used by isa" in my
BIOS. So I don't think that's the problem. Am I confused?

	-- Robert