Subject: Re: Linux emulation/acroread weirdness
To: Jeff Rizzo <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/30/1999 14:55:21
Jeff Rizzo writes:
> Recently (sometime between 1.4 and 1.4K with ELF ;), I've been having some
> trouble with the linux emulation. To wit: some stuff that used to work,
> doesn't, but some still does. Some only works partially.
> Specifically: Netscape Navigator 4.5 still works, Wordperfect 8 does not.
> (it dumps core). Oddly, Acrobat reader 3.0 works *ONLY* when lauched from
> netscape. (i.e., if I click on a pdf file, it works OK. If I run it from
> the command line, it seg faults)
> I've been noticing these for a few weeks, but have not yet expended the
> effort to track it down. Incidentally (or not), at the same time I made
> the switch to ELF, I went to the suse_linux-6.1 package from the older SuSE
> package.
> Anyone else see this? Any specific debugging info that anyone needs?
Is there a chance that these binaries are being seen as 'NetBSD ELF' instead
of 'Linux ELF', and not running under the correct emulation? This should
be apparent via ktrace/kdump.
The fact that acrobat runs when launched by Netscape would perhaps point to
the emulation. (e.g. Netscape is already running under Linux emulation, so
acrobat is ok)
Andrew Gillham | This space left blank | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer. | Contact the publisher.