Subject: RE: 3com 3c905B-tx strange behaviour
To: 'Frank van der Linden' <>
From: Tony Hernandez <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/25/1999 10:19:05
the only problem is , that this machine is at home right now and as you can
see its not on the network :( dmesg finds the card and displays 'good'
informtation regarding the card and 'configures' it. ifconfig -a shows the
proper IP address, netmask etc. is there something I should be looking for?
I can get you these messages but it will have to be tommorow -- which means
ill have to go home and copy them to a peice of paper :( I usually paste all
pertinent information like you requested but its not to easy this time. 

cheers -- thanks for the help 

Tony Hernandez
*NIX <> MCP <> A+ <> Workstation Admin
Intellon Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank van der Linden []
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 3:58 AM
To: Tony Hernandez
Cc: ''
Subject: Re: 3com 3c905B-tx strange behaviour

On Tue, Aug 24, 1999 at 10:33:41AM -0400, Tony Hernandez wrote:
> I just got a 3com card and I put it on a 10baseT network. It seems to not
> working at all with the GENERIC kernel. dmesg finds this device and
> that it is ' configured '. The network starts up and everything BUT ...
> link on the back of the card is orange instead of green. I cant ping
> I can ping myself after retrying several times. I tried to use the 'media'
> option in ifconfig but it returns SCIOIFMEDIA device not configured .. or
> something tp that extent. I f dont use the media option it acts as if its
> bringing it up with no errors. but It does not work ... whats up ?

Could you provide a little more information, like the output of 'dmesg',
and 'ifconfig -a' ?

- Frank