Subject: Re: PCMCIA "ne0: device timeout"
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/31/1999 11:17:24
In message <>, Manuel Bouyer writes:
>On Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 01:02:38AM -0500, Peter Seebach wrote:
>> I used to get this all the time on my ThinkPad.  It got better when I change
>> PCIC_ISA_INTR_ALLOC_MASK to 0xffff.  I'm now getting it on my friend's
>> Inspiron 3500.  The ne0 is getting irq11.  The light on the hub comes on,
>> other machines arp it correctly, the activity  light flashes for pings aimed
>> at the machine - but any attempt to use it gets device timeouts.

>You should really set PCIC_ISA_INTR_ALLOC_MASK to a more restrictive value.
>One thing you can do is to boot win9x if you have it, and look at which IRQ
>are used for what devices.

On my laptop, the problem was that it *could use any IRQ the system found
free, and it liked 10.  On my friend's laptop, the problem turned out to be
that if the cable is loose, 'ne0' gives device timeouts.
