Subject: Re: Fw: Copying a file from one box to another
To: Amir Nazary <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/18/1999 14:04:51
On Sun, 18 Jul 1999, Amir Nazary wrote:
> The problem is not NT (I never thought I would hear myself say that). The
> problem is that I have a cron job that polls a directory periodically for
> the existence of files. Unfortunately, I don't know if the file is
> completed when the cron job sees it. I need to test to see that the file
> isn't still being written to when the poller sees it and trys to move it
> elsewhere.
The problem _is_ NT, or to be more exact, the problem is that
the best solution is for the client to notify the server when
the file transfer is complete, and that may be non trivial
using your NT client.
Other options include:
- Have the NT client email the file to an account on the
unix box, then have a .forward that processes it.
- (As someone mentioned) Only pick up on files that have
not been modified for a certain time. This is probably
the easiest to implement
- The cron job can check if the file is a valid tiff (or
whatever) file using some tiff tool. You still need to
pick up on files that have not been modified for some
long time (to handle aborted copies).
-=- Resentment is a renewable resource -=-