Subject: Re: Locked into control characters with wscons...
To: Matthew Orgass <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/16/1999 03:28:45
On Fri, 16 Jul 1999, Matthew Orgass wrote:
> Occasionally wscons seems to lock into a strange mode where it
> interprets every character as a control character. This happened more
> often with 1.4_ALPHA, but still happens occasionally under 1.4.
> I'd hate to file a PR on it since it is not at all reproduceable and so
> would not be terribly usefull to anyone (and would probably never be
> closed). Most of the time it happens when I'm in pine in a telnet session,
> but it has happened at other seemingly arbitrary times also.
Yes! Pine in an xterm does the same thing to me too. A recent thread
with a `^N' in the subject did it every time. I could do a full reset
on the xterm (once I'd deleted the offender), and it would be OK.
Viewing the saved message in "less" or "hexdump -C" didn't screw up
the xterm, which is how I determined that it was a Control-N. I'm not
sure how to reset a wscons virtual console--did you try 'Control-J
reset Control-J'?
Does anyone know offhand if Control-N introduces an ansi escape
sequence, multi-byte characters, or something like that? No doubt pine
is trying to support some scheme that "less" doesn't care about.