Subject: Re: recent boot.fs for 1.4?
To: Chris G. Demetriou <>
From: Matthias Drochner <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/09/1999 14:29:56 said:
> The problem that causes sysinst to croak when upgrading old
> installations (1.3.2 and earlier, i dunno about 1.3.3) to 1.4.x has
> _NOT_ been fixed.
I'm not an insider wrt "sysinst", but I believe that I marginally
understand what happens...
Below are some patches which reflect what I think should be changed:
-in mbr.c, the variable dosptyp_nbsd seems meaningless
(no functional change)
-don't call md_upgrade_mbrtype() from md_pre_disklabel() - as I see
this is only called after edit_mbr() which already deals with the
mbr type
-call md_bios_info() in md_upgrade_mbrtype() to get the geometry
information and check whether it succeeeded
-ask before the mbr type is really updated - this also provides a
workaround if something goes wrong
Imho, the code shouldn't care about the geometry at all when
upgrading, but this would be a more serious change.
I haven't tested the patches - don't have a disk installation.
best regards
Index: mbr.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/basesrc/distrib/utils/sysinst/mbr.c,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -c -2 -r1.17 mbr.c
*** mbr.c 1999/07/04 08:01:39 1.17
--- mbr.c 1999/07/09 10:28:01
*** 99,104 ****
- int dosptyp_nbsd = MBR_PTYPE_NETBSD;
static int get_mapping __P((struct mbr_partition *, int, int *, int *, int *,
long *absolute));
--- 99,102 ----
*** 216,220 ****
part[2].mbrp_typ = part[0].mbrp_flag = 0;
part[2].mbrp_start = part[0].mbrp_size = 0;
! part[3].mbrp_typ = dosptyp_nbsd;
part[3].mbrp_size = bsize - bsec;
part[3].mbrp_start = bsec;
--- 214,218 ----
part[2].mbrp_typ = part[0].mbrp_flag = 0;
part[2].mbrp_start = part[0].mbrp_size = 0;
! part[3].mbrp_typ = MBR_PTYPE_NETBSD;
part[3].mbrp_size = bsize - bsec;
part[3].mbrp_start = bsec;
*** 302,306 ****
if (yesno)
! part[bsdpart].mbrp_typ = dosptyp_nbsd;
--- 300,304 ----
if (yesno)
! part[bsdpart].mbrp_typ = MBR_PTYPE_NETBSD;
Index: arch/i386/md.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/basesrc/distrib/utils/sysinst/arch/i386/md.c,v
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -c -2 -r1.30 md.c
*** md.c 1999/07/04 08:01:40 1.30
--- md.c 1999/07/09 10:28:01
*** 169,173 ****
return 1;
- md_upgrade_mbrtype();
return 0;
--- 169,172 ----
*** 447,450 ****
--- 446,453 ----
+ md_bios_info(diskdev);
+ if (!check_geom())
+ return; /* XXX error message? */
mbrp = (struct mbr_partition *)&mbr[MBR_PARTOFF];
*** 458,463 ****
if (netbsdpart == -1 && oldbsdcount == 1) {
! mbrp[oldbsdpart].mbrp_typ = MBR_PTYPE_NETBSD;
! write_mbr(diskdev, mbr, sizeof mbr);
--- 461,470 ----
if (netbsdpart == -1 && oldbsdcount == 1) {
! msg_display(MSG_upgradeparttype);
! process_menu(MENU_yesno);
! if (yesno) {
! mbrp[oldbsdpart].mbrp_typ = MBR_PTYPE_NETBSD;
! write_mbr(diskdev, mbr, sizeof mbr);
! }