Subject: Re: NOTICE: i386 port switched to ELF binary format
To: None <>
From: Frank van der Linden <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/05/1999 15:45:03
On Mon, Jul 05, 1999 at 08:56:08PM +0900, wrote:
> Sorry for rather stupid question, but I believe this may ease
> people's path.
> When was the support for ELF binary imporated?
> Is it correct that bootblocks from NetBSD 1.4 is recent enough?
The support for ELF was present in the tree for a while, but it
wasn't used by default. Now it is, since /usr/share/mk/
sets OBJECT_FMT to ELF for the i386. I changed this with the
following commit:
Module Name: sharesrc
Committed By: fvdl
Date: Mon Jul 5 09:13:05 UTC 1999
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Switch the i386 port to ELF.
The 1.4 bootblocks are indeed recent enough, they are able to load an
ELF kernel.
- Frank