Subject: Re: sendmail[369]: unable to qualify my own domain name
To: <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/04/1999 17:24:35
On Sun, 4 Jul 1999, der Mouse wrote:

> >> Sendmail is being run by cron i suppose ...  how can I  shut it off
> >> completely ? I have no need for sendmail  at all ..
> > sendmail is started in /etc/rc but only if you asked for it!  Check
> > your /etc/rc.conf file.
> I suspect what's going on here is that a cronjob is trying to send
> mail, which ends up invoking sendmail *even if it's not running as a
> daemon*.  Indeed, in some circumstances, cron itself will try to send
> mail.

yeah. Its probably the daily script.  as root, do

crontab -e

which means edit root's cron table, you'll see  'daily', 'weekly', and
'monthly' scripts which get run and their outputs are mailed to root.
Its very likely thats whats triggering sendmail.
