Subject: Re: Machine/assembly language
To: None <>
From: Mirian Crzig Lennox <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/18/1999 12:04:51
der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA> writes:
> Does anyone know of an online machine/assembly language reference
> document for Intel-architecture CPUs? Basically, what I'm looking for
> is the doco I'd need to write an assembler/disassembler, plus a
> description of the semantics of each instruction.
When I need such information, I usually reach for the NASM assembler
manual. It includes a reference of all x86 instructions, including
timing, up to and including Pentium II and MMX instructions.
You can find NASM off any of several links from
Mirian Crzig Lennox Systems Anarchist
"Don't follow leaders... watch the parking meters." --Bob Dylan