Subject: IRD
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jeff Northon <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/08/1999 16:24:14
I wrote Linux and NetBSD. Can we offer substantial support to porting the
drivers to Open Source?
Jeff Northon
Forwarded message:
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for your time taking a look at our AIr products and the
conversation we
have regarding open source support for Linux.
We currently only provide object code support for Windows environment and
applications. There is no immediate plan to extend support beyond.
our development team can re-evaluate other opportunities if they make good
business sense.
If you would like to further discuss your plan with our marketting team,
don't hesitate to contact Jeff Molson via email or telephone.
Jeff Molson , Marketing Programs / MarCom
IBM Infrared Wireless Communications Group
phone: 905-316-7063
fax: 905-316-7766
Quinn Nguyen
FAE, Comm. IBM Microelectronics, Mt. View, CA