Subject: Re: On-Board Adaptec Support
To: Peter Simons+mail.list.netbsd.port-i386 <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/02/1999 03:15:35
On 2 Jun 1999, Peter Simons+mail.list.netbsd.port-i386 wrote:
> one more question: I do have a really fast and nice machine standing
> around here, which I'd like to use for NetBSD, too. Unfortunately the
> motherboard is equipped with an on-board Adaptec SCSI controller,
> which Windows identifies as being the "aic78u2". Searching through the
> web sites I see no mention of this chip at all, but the 1.2 release
> pages claim that aic78XX would in principle be support except for the
> occasions when it does not work. :-)
I see the following line in the config for both the GENERIC and INSTALL
ahc* at pci? dev ? function ? # Adaptec [23]94x, aic78x0 SCSI
so it might actually work. The only way to be sure is to try it. Before
downloading the whole distribution, you could download just the install
floppy to if your controller and disks appear in the boot messages. The
messages go by pretty fast before being obscured by the menu: properly
timed Ctrl-S - Ctrl-Q can help you read them.