Subject: sysinst and /etc/fstab
To: None <>
From: Brian Stark <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/01/1999 10:40:11
Last night I attempted to upgrade a 1.3.3 system to 1.4 and in the install
notes for the i386 platform I noticed a comment that sysinst will process
files on disks wd0 and wd1 (i.e., disks wd2 and higher won't work...).
Before the upgrade I removed the power cable to my wd2 disk and
disconnected the disk cable. However, during the upgrade process sysinst
went through my /etc/fstab and ran fsck for the file systems it found.
When it got to the file system that is located on my wd2 disk I saw the
It appears that wd2h is not a BSD file system or fsck was not
successful. The upgrade has been aborted. (Error number -1)
I then rebooted the machine without the 1.4 boot disk and modified
/etc/fstab to include "noauto" for the file system on disk wd2. Again
during the upgrade process I got the same error message.
Since sysinst is looping through the /etc/fstab file, why doesn't it pay
attention to the "noauto" keyword? In order to get around this problem I
had to remove the line in my /etc/fstab file for the file system located
on disk wd2. It would be really nice if the only change necessary to
/etc/fstab would have been to add the "noauto" keyword.
| Brian Stark | Internet : |
| Siemens PT&D, LLC | Voice : +1 612 536-4697 |
| Power Systems Control Division | Fax : +1 612 536-4919 |
| 7225 Northland Drive, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 55428 USA |