Subject: Re: aha-1542cf
To: None <>
From: Geoff Wing <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/31/1999 06:35:38
Martin Husemann <> typed:
:> It only works if your aha* has a PNP jumper (set to the appropriate
:> position). Many aha* adapters are not PNP capable; I believe the
:> 1542CF is not.
:At least there are similar called versions that are (we have one in a
:machine at work, and I always thought it was a 1542CF).
1542CP is the Plug'n'Pray version. I've got a 1540CP but it's currently
running in fixed mode not PNP. OS is NetBSD/i386 1.3K I think.
Geoff Wing <> Mobile : (Australia) 0413 431 874
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