Subject: Re: cardbus patches.
To: Darren Reed <>
From: Johan Danielsson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/26/1999 16:32:27
Darren Reed <> writes:
> There are some cardbus patches "around" (for 1.4) at the
> moment...has anyone actually tried to compile a cardbus kernel with
> them ?
I've tried with 1.4C and patches from 1999-04-22, and it works for me
(and it seems to work a lot better than last time I checked, a month
ago or so).
> I attempt to compile a kernel with the etherlink interface, using
> that .tgz only to end up with some complaints about
> "cardbus_io_open" being undefined.
Hmm, in my code cardbus_io_open is a function pointer.
/* $Id: if_ex_cardbus.c,v 1999/04/21 16:37:54 haya Exp $ */