Subject: Re: 1.4 install panic
To: Darren Reed <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/25/1999 13:02:50
>In some email I received from Manuel Bouyer, sie wrote:
>As it turns out, it appears that the panic is caused by disabling the
>PnP BIOS. There are at least two chips (same `device' using IRQ 10 and
>under FreeBSD, their use is reported as int "a" and "b" for irq 10).
>They appear to be the CardBus bridge chips (1013,1110 rev 0xc1) under
Well, first, it could be that if you dont enable the PnP bios, your
BIOS isn't enabling the cardbus chips, or is enabling them
Also, Hayakawa-san's CardBus patches mention some controller/bios
combinations which which don't properly map CardBus controller
interrupt lines through into PCI configuration space, or something
like that. But if the interrupt lines are visible, then the IRQs
should be handled correctly.
But why is a CardBus brdige getting attached as a WSS?
Does FreeBSD show a WSS at irq10, or is our wss probe busted,
and accepting your CardBus bridge as a sound device?
>Alas, even with PnP BIOS enabled, it's of questionable use - NetBSD 1.4
>freezes if either of my PCMCIA cards are inserted at any stage whilst it
>is running :-(
Uncool. Have you tried the cardbus patches? I cant promise they do
any better, but if you're stuck, its worth trying.