Subject: Re: SETI@home client for NetBSD?
To: Gunnar Helliesen <>
From: Matt <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/23/1999 22:44:49
> > but I think (like the rc5 clients) it
> > will report the OS as BSDI. That's not exactly helping NetBSD's
> > public exposure...
> I checked, it does, and no, you're right. But at least we have a client
> we can use for now.
> Thanks to all who replied.
> Gunnar
A friend pointed out to me that there is still no NetBSD client at this
late date, but there was an *OpenBSD* client for sparc, alpha, and i386
within a couple days of the launch. I guess the folks at the SETI@home
project must be busy, but this is certainly a thing that makes you go
"hmm...." ;-)
Matthew at psibercom
+ Nyquist Theory and Soul Management +