Subject: re: less than 10MB NetBSD dist
To: Erik Rungi <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/18/1999 14:37:19
Yeah, aiming for a pcmcia FLASH target would be cool and useful for
other `embedded' style applications, too.
>Starting from a stripped down, secure base.tgz we be sweet.
Yes, what I'm trying to get at is: if you can split `base' into
`minimal set needed to go multi-user' and `full base', then most or
all of that effort can be reused, either by splitting `base' into
`minimal' plus the rest, or alternativley as input to how we carve up
the monolitich `base' into pkg-ized sets.
Extra stuff for routers is another thing altogether.