Subject: Re: linux q3 server.
To: None <neil@COLT.NET>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/13/1999 17:08:16
Neil J. McRae writes:
> has anyone tried to get the linux q3 test server to run in compat_
> linux mode? It work on freebsd [even as the client] just wondering
> if anyone had any good news :-)
27987 linuxquake3 CALL geteuid
27987 linuxquake3 RET geteuid 0
27987 linuxquake3 CALL getuid
27987 linuxquake3 RET getuid 0
27987 linuxquake3 CALL #164 (unimplemented setresuid)
27987 linuxquake3 PSIG SIGSYS SIG_DFL
27987 linuxquake3 NAMI "linuxquake3.core"
Yes, I have tried. :-) I will leave it to one of the experts to
implement this syscall. (and presumably #165 getresuid)
Andrew Gillham | This space left blank | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer. | Contact the publisher.