Subject: Re: NetBSD/Solaris NFS read/write problem
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kent Polk <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/13/1999 18:29:22
On 13 May 1999 12:55:01 -0500, Eric McWhorter wrote:
>Kent Polk writes:
> > Reads and writes from the clinet to the NFS server began to take
> > longer and longer, with typical 20k writes taking in excess of a
> > minute to complete and reads often taking almost as long. [...]
>Take a look at the output from netstat -i. If collisions are high,
>then it could be something I run into regularly with Sun and HP
>workstations. I'm sure it can happen on a PC if you have the wrong
netstat shows no collisions at all. I'm beginning to suspect that
the interface card in the bsd box may be going south. Of course,
as soon as I started trying out the suggestions mentioned in the
two replies I received, the problem went away again. :^(
Thanks Much for the assistance and I'll try to track it down.