Subject: Re: possible install problems in current sources?
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: John F. Woods <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/11/1999 09:24:21
> These problems should be gone with the changes I made to sysinst (unless you
> change units while editing: entering partititons in sectors will not
> round anything, but in megabytes it will round boundaries to cylinders.
> You can create overlapping partitions this way).

I *like* editing in megabytes.  Megabytes are meaningful units; cylinders
are not.  If it is going to round to cylinders, it ought to at least give
some kind of hint that it has done so, and it should certainly not allow one
to end one partition at "127 MB" and begin the next at "128 MB" but then
later claim they overlap!

Additionally, there is no particular reason for the sysinst partition editor
to be willing to create overlapping partitions.  The sysinst partition editor
should be designed to make it as easy as possible to create a correct set of 
partitions that will allow installation.  Anything more complicated ought to
be left to a fully-installed running system.