Subject: rvplayer 5.0 (linux) - no sound?
To: Port-i386 <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/08/1999 21:04:41

How does one get rvplayer v5.0 (the linux version, none for *BSD available)
working under NetBSD linux emulation?  I'm running 1.3F on these machines
and rvplayer starts up and can load files off the net, but there's no sound
output.  I tried ktracing it, here's a fraction where it's trying to open

 18384 rvplayer CALL  open(0x813755a,0x801,0xefbf0000)
 18384 rvplayer NAMI  "/emul/linux/dev/dsp"
 18384 rvplayer NAMI  "/dev/dsp"
 18384 rvplayer RET   open -1 errno -16 Unknown error: 4294967280
 18384 rvplayer CALL  brk(0x81a2000)
 18384 rvplayer RET   brk 135929856/0x81a2000
 18384 rvplayer CALL  write(0x3,0x8167cf0,0x14)
 18384 rvplayer GIO   fd 3 wrote 20 bytes
 18384 rvplayer RET   write 20/0x14

Here's what I have:

crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel  42, 128 Apr 30 13:50 /dev/audio
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel  42, 128 May  8 20:58 /dev/dsp

Any advice greatly appreciated (I tried the older FreeBSD realaudio
version, but it can't decode the newer files, it seems).
