Subject: Found hidden NetBSD USB modems driver.
To: Lennart Augustsson <>
From: Alicia da Conceicao <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/08/1999 17:43:57
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Hey, I found an existing NetBSD USB modem driver in:
By merely adding the lines:
# USB Modem
umodem* at uhub? port ? configuration ? interface ?
to my kernel config file, I was able to sucessfully build a working kernel
with this USB modem driver. Unfortunately, I don't currently have a USB
modem yet, but I will order one right away and test it out.
In the umodem.c file, I found the comment:
Comm Class spec:
and the code looks like it is a NetBSD port of a FreeBSD USB modem driver.
If anyone has a USB modem, I would be most greatful to know if it works
with this driver.
Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Alicia.
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title: VP of Technology
tel;work: 416-860-9378
tel;fax: 416-860-9380
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