Subject: Re: USB modems, USB drives and APM + USB support on 1.4
To: Alicia da Conceicao <>
From: Lennart Augustsson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/08/1999 17:43:30
Alicia da Conceicao wrote:
> There are many new USB modems (which are very tiny and self powered), and
> USB drives (like the 200 MB zip drives) which are out now. If I am not
> mistaken, NetBSD still does not have any support for these yet. Is anyone
> working on adding these USB devices to NetBSD?
The FreeBSD are working on a ZIP driver, if the modems follow the specs they
be fairly easy to handle. Volounteers welcome.
> Also, has anyone been able to get USB to coexist with APM, so that we
> can use USB devices after waking up our laptops from sleep-mode, without
> rebooting?
That will take some coding... I hope to have time to spare in June.
-- Lennart