Subject: Re: sysinst and mediatype
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/30/1999 10:12:12
On Apr 29, Manuel Bouyer wrote
> This is a know bug, I think it has been fixed now: the 3c509b shows up
> as both regular ISA and PnP board (in fact, 3com had some kind of PnP for
> boards, before the real PnP was normalised, the 3c509b use both).
I had a similar problem with a cheap NE2000 on an old 486 when I installed
the latest snapshot. The 2 disk boot detected the NE2000 two times
(non PnP and PnP, although the PnP was disabled on the card (I checked))
and then crashed; I installed with the 'small' boot floppy but after
installing I
could not boot for the same problem (the small kernel failed also.) I
the NE2000 and boot went fine. Next I built a custom kernel without PnP and
now everything works.
I hope this information is useful,
Federico Lupi