Subject: Re: sysinst and mediatype
To: Greg Oster <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/29/1999 15:37:59
>FWIW I installed one of these cards this week, and had much the same problems.
Well, the fix only went into the tree Tuesday, showed up in sup
wednesday, and then we'd left out a new register definition:(. I dont
know when the next i386 snapshot will be cut, but it will be fixed
The $64k question is, can you put bot the ne2000 and the ep0 device
into your machine, configure the ne2000 as the real interface, put a
net-10 address on the 3c509B, and do a tcpdump of the cable the ne2000
is connected to?
>My "solution" was to disable PNP on the card, and now it's working fine
>(albeit as a 3c509 on ep0, instead of a 3c509b on ep1).
Sure, that works too, if you have a bootable DOS diskette and a copy
of the vendor utils.