Subject: Re: Guinea-pigs wiling to test CardBus patches for 1.4_BETA?
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Matthieu Herrb <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/27/1999 22:30:44
You wrote (in your message from Monday 26)
> Hi all,
> I'm about to repackage HAYAKAWA Koichi's CardBus package as diffs against
> 1.4_BETA (as of tomorrow's sup). I dont acutally have a machine with
> CardBus or a 3c575 to test it with, though.
> Are there any willing guinea-pigs out there who can test it, either in
> soure form or with a prebuilt patched kernel?
> NB: All credit for these goes to Hayakawa-san, any blame to me.
> I'm just repackaging the patches for 1.4.
I've a 3c575 I could test in either form.