Subject: Re: Amusing tidbit about Windows/NT...
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Ken Hornstein <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/13/1999 14:18:27
>As best I uNderstand it (and I havent looked in years) the Linux stuff
>wins party by being loaded as kernel modules, and partly by using a
>smarter interrupt probe: before using an IRQs for PCMCIA, the Linux
>drivers try and tickle a card into interrupting, and if it doesn't
>interrupt on a given line, then that IRQ isn't used.
It's a little more complicated than that.
What happens is that there's a way to tell the ISA (not the CardBus, AFAIK)
PCIC chip to generate an interrupt on a particular IRQ. Linux uses this
to test all the valid IRQs and builds a mask of working IRQs.
The problem for us is that interrupts are off at autoconfiguration time.
I don't know how to solve/work around this problem.