Subject: Re: pmap_zero_page problem
To: None <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/01/1999 17:22:45
On Apr 1, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote
> No, it's not. I can't reproduce it any more (dammit) but I was getting it
> regularly about a week ago. I have a machine with a large FFS filesystem I
> burn ISO9660 disks from. Running mkhybrid would cause a pmap_zero_page panic
> when the mkhybrid program exited, unless I typed "sync" after it did its last
> disk write but before it had printed its final messages and exited.
> As soon as I tried to track it down the problem went away -- but I definitely
> saw it. This was on hardware which had been 100% reliable for several months.
Hoooo, this is becomming interesting :).
I'll try a kernel from today (with the resent VM and pool changes) and see
how it gets.
What hardware does your machine have ? IDE or SCSI disks. How many
disk buffer cache ?
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.