Subject: Re: Illegal port command.
To: R. C. Dowdeswell <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/05/1999 17:20:22
>Netscape uses passive, IIRC, by default.  To get the command line ftp
>to use passive mode, just type passive at the command line.

they do.  but they fall back (forward?) to normal mode if that fails.


which it will if you're trying to do anonymous ftp to a solaris box
where the ftpd doesn't have write access to /dev/ticotsord (???!) and
it can't create the server socket.  then, if you're netscaping from a
mac, the fallback with fail because macs can't do getsockname() on a
listen()ing socket.

macs and solaris...a bad combination.


|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|             * "ah!  i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown)                that goes *ping*!"       * "information is power -- share the wealth."