Subject: Re: Q: file systems & sizes
To: VaX#n8 <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/02/1999 11:18:44
On Mar 2, VaX#n8 wrote
> I find myself needing to repartition again, probably due to an increase
> in the number of programs in /, presumably most are statically linked.
> 103% full is a bad place to be.
> What kind of partition sizes and schemes are people using?
> Another BSD suggests / swap /usr /var /tmp /var/tmp /home, possibly also
> /usr/local and /usr/X11R6. Anyone care to comment on that scheme?
> It seems a bit overboard to me; I've found a mfs /tmp to be useful.
> IMHO if you're going to have a disk partition ("slice") for /tmp having
> another for /var/tmp seems redundant.
For a workstation I use:
/ 50Mo
/usr 500Mo
swap 150Mo
and the rest for /home.
If you have enouth memory you can put /tmp on MFS.
For a server, I'll do a separate /var, size depends on what kind of server
it is.
Well, /usr may be a bit small if you like big binary packages (the only
big one I use is TeX, I'm perfectly happy with vi :)
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.