Subject: Re: 1.3.2 Userland
To: Dale Hirt <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/16/1999 00:44:28
On Mon, 15 Feb 1999, Dale Hirt wrote:
> Hello,
> 1) I just upgraded my kernel from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3.
> What is the difference, if any, between a 1.3.2 userland and a
> 1.3.3 userland?
> What would need to be done in order to upgrade accordingly?
Bugfixes. See
> 2) When my new kernel boots, it tells me that I have an old netbsd or
> freebsd label. Should I relabel the disk, and how?
a) Ensure you have a bootable 1.3.3 floppy in case something
goes wrong. When the floppy starts to boot you can press
space during the countdown and select 'boot hd0:'.
b) Ensure you have bootblocks that understand the new ID
If the system has been installed with a 1.3.3 or later
sysinst you should be ok, otherwise run
'/usr/mdec/installboot biosboot.sym /dev/r{DISK}a'.
If your kernel does not have 'options INSECURE' enabled
you will need to showdown to single user mode:
'shutdown now'
press ENTER when prompted for a shell
'fsck -p'
'mount -vat ffs'
'cd /usr/mdec ; ./installboot biosboot.sym /dev/r{DISK}a'
Where {DISK} is wd0 for the first ATA (IDE) disk, sd0 for the
first SCSI disk, etc.
c) Change the partition id
Run 'fdisk {DISK}'.
One partition will be indicated as:
X: sysid 165 (FreeBSD or 386BSD or old NetBSD)
Where X will be 0, 1, 2, or most likely 3.
Run 'fdisk -u -X {DISK}'
ENTER to : Do you want to change our idea of what BIOS thinks? [n]
y ENTER to : Do you want to change it? [n]
169 ENTER to : Supply a decimal value for "sysid" [165]
ENTER to : Supply a decimal value for "start" [......]
ENTER to : Supply a decimal value for "size" [.......]
ENTER to : Explicitly specify beg/end address? [n]
y ENTER to : Is this entry okay? [n]
y ENTER to : Should we write new partition table? [n]
d) Reboot to confirm all works.
If you hit any problems you can use fdisk on the boot floppy to
reset the values back.
e) Be particularly relieved that NetBSD should not need to change its
partition ID again.
Abandoning a syncing disk... or syncing an abandoned disk?