Subject: Re: 1.3.3 installer problems
To: None <>
From: Urban Boquist <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/12/1999 19:40:07
>>>>> Patrick Welche writes:
Patrick> So, what is so bad about having an offset of 0? As long as
Patrick> you really want the whole disk given over to NetBSD, this
Patrick> isn't a problem, is it?
A while ago there was a problem with some i386 BIOSes refusing to boot
a disk if you had installed from sector 0, but that problem was fixed
(at least for me) by Wolfgang Solfrank when he changed the geometry in
the default mbr.
If sysinst still insists on installing in track 1 that is a bug that
should be fixed, IMHO.
-- Urban