Subject: Re: Anyone trying to use new sysinst, please read.
To: None <>
From: Andreas Gustafsson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/05/1999 08:24:33
In <> spoke:
> If you, or anyone else has problems with sysinst.. now is the time to speak
> up.. so I can get it fixed for 1.4.
I do. PRs #6431 and #6432.
There is also a third sysinst problem I havent PR'ed. When using
sysinst in "upgrade" mode to upgrade a NetBSD 1.2 system to 1.3.2,
at one point I saw it display the following message:
Okay, the first part of the procedure is finished. sysinst has
written a disklabel to the target disk, and newfs'ed and fsck'ed
the new partitions you specified for the target disk.
That gave me a bit of a scare - for a moment I thought sysinst had
actually relabeled and newfs'ed (in other words, erased) my disk,
which contained a substantial amount of important data. Thankfully,
the message turned out to be incorrect. To minimize the number of
heart attacks among future NetBSD upgraders, it would be nice if
sysinst could refrain from printing this message when it has not in
fact done a newfs.
Andreas Gustafsson,