Subject: Re: APM problems
To: None <>
From: John Kohl <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/03/1999 23:28:49
>>>>> "Heiko" == Heiko W Rupp <> writes:
Heiko> Perry E. Metzger wrote:
Heiko> |Anyone else have any experience with APM on the '600, or other ideas?
Heiko> Could this be that we "only" implement APM1.1 ?
Heiko> I have the 1.2 REF-Guide from (as it
Heiko> says on the cover) here, but did not yet manage to look after it.
I've looked at it briefly; there are the beginnings of APM V1.2 support
in the -current driver but more needs to be done. I have little time
these days for any substantial NetBSD hacking--if someone else wants to
look at it, feel free (but check with the i386 portmaster first to coordinate
any effort with other folks).
==John Kohl <>, <>
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